Developed by Germán Jaramillo (Blackblade)

Special thanks to Robert Skoglund, to Luke Royal, who took their time to revise those files, allowing me to fix any error or missed unit and to Bane Kovačević (aka Lord Edict) first one in the Beta Team to check and test all the WM units.

Also thanks to: WM Blem, WM Wiki, Anders Risvold, Josh Rudisill, Aris Theodosiou, Victor Vieira, Les Thompson, Robert Skoglund, Jack Fletcher, Thomas Bernhardsen, Angela Dee Viger who contributed at same stage providing stattistics or giving away ideas to improve this section.

Assembly Plant

Attack: 5
Defense: 20

SKILLS'  VALUE: 100% reinforce an armored unit.

Acquired trough War Chip collection, in the Armory Archive.

Rapid Construction: Always (100%) bring another armored unit into battle.


This is one of the most useful structures on War Metal.
For PvP you can use a couple of them to bring reinforced your Colossus and Blitz without be affraid to get them controled by your enemy.

For PvE you can use them to reinforce Anvils, Rumblers, Gravity Tanks or Infestor Tanks.

The best Game units are often armored units, so you will be allowed to bring any of those always that you place them in the appropiate reinforcing order.

This structure is often jokingly called in the jargon of WMC "ass plant"

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